You Don't Need a #BOOK to Understand "World PEACE" -You just need to STUDY 1 PAGE from -hELLA HUNG #Feb16th2025 #SUNDAY |
THERE is No Debating or Aurguing an #AbsoluteTRUTH FOR it is #TruelyUNiVERSAL #Undisputable You Cannot Deny this #REALiTY. -hELLA HUNG #Feb14th2025 #FRiDAY |
(B -ANCHOR Point) #SocialPOTENTiAL Self-CARE & LOVE Health is WEALTH. Make time to LiVE. DO WHAT YOU LOVE Hobbies are ESSENTiAL. Surround yourself with #SteadyEpicQualityPEOPLE
(C -ANCHOR Point) #CareerTEACH You are Not A TRUE MASTER Unless you Can Teach it!
(A -ANCHOR Point) #HumanityOUTReach #TrueMartialArtist check their EGOS We have #MutualRESPECTS
(B -ANCHOR Point) #SocialPOTENTiAL -ARE ENDLESS!! Self-CARE & LOVE Health is WEALTH. Make time to LiVE. DO WHAT YOU LOVE Hobbies are ESSENTiAL.
(B -ANCHOR Point) #SocialPOTENTiAL #OffDays are needed #ChillTiME #GoOnAMovieRIDE #LetTheMindRELAX #EASYchillDAY #MovieHOPPiN #RegalUNLiMiTED
(C -ANCHOR Point) #TheBUSiNESS Self-CARE & LOVE Health is WEALTH. Make time to LiVE. DO WHAT YOU LOVE Hobbies are ESSENTiAL.
(C -ANCHOR Point) #TheBUSiNESS #LatinoActionLEAD #BeThe1st #CreateYourOWN #GrassROOTSProduction #iNDEPENDENT #BayAREA
(C -ANCHOR Point) #TheBUSiNESS The Best Time to Start, is NOW. Enjoy and Explore the unknown. It's exciting Mystakes are part of the #LearningExperience. #DoAsMuchAsYouCanWhileYouCAN. #CreateANewRealityThatWorks4U
(C -ANCHOR Point) #TheBUSiNESS Once You Know, and have the perfect project or calling. You need a #SolidTEAM. People make the World go Round.
(D -ANCHOR Point) #SelfWORTHAndLOVE #PutInTheWORK #BloodSweatAndTEARS "Nothing Great, ever came Easy." "You Get What You Put iN." #BuildYourCredibility #BeTheExampleAndLiGHT
(A -ANCHOR Point) #ServingTheWORLD #GiveBACK #ShareYourWisdom #KeepBuilding and #CreatingNewOPPORTUNiTiES to Shine! #EndlessPossibilities of #EpicAWESOMENESS !!
(D -ANCHOR Point) #SocialCLUB #EndlessPOSSiBLiTiES Self-CARE & LOVE Self-CARE & LOVE Health is WEALTH. Make time to LiVE. DO WHAT YOU LOVE Hobbies are ESSENTiAL. "iF You Build It, they will come. "
(A -ANCHOR Point) #UnlockYourTruePOTENTiAL #FullfillYourTrueDESTiNY! Know where you Truely StAND, and Where You are At! Everything becomes #CrystalCLEAR;
(D -ANCHOR Point) #SelfWORTHAndLOVE #MultipleStreamsOfREVENUE It's always good to have OPTiONS. "Set Yourself Up for SUCCESS!" "Failure to prep, is preparing to fail "
(C -ANCHOR Point) #TakingCareOfBusiness #9to5 #DontBeLAZY #NoEXCUSES #AlwaysBuilding #SteadyIncome is #PeaceOfMiND
(C -ANCHOR Point) #TheBUSiNESS #StepUP #TakeCareOfOTHERS If you are blessed, bless others. "Sharing is Caring."
(C -ANCHOR Point) #UnlimitedPOSSiBiLiTiES "When You Found GOLD, Share the WEALTH." "Sharing is Caring" "iF You Can, Do it." "Share Your BLESSiNGS"
(A -ANCHOR Point) #CommunityUNiTY #ShareAndHelpSpreadTheLOVE "To Be the Best, you have to Beat hhe Best!" in my case, "Walk in my SHOES " "If the Shoe FiTS... You are Destined for #GREATNESS!"
(A -ANCHOR Point) #GlobalSTreetDancersUNiTED People in your Scene should be helping and sharing, HENCE: "Each 1 Teach 1." #Come2GETHER with #TrueMutualRESPECTS #ShareAndSPREADtheLOVE
(A -ANCHOR Point) #MyOUTREACH #GuideTheFUTURE "The kids are #OurFUTURE !" "So Guide them WELL." #BeTheChangeYouWishToSEE
(C -ANCHOR Point) #SharingYourWiSDOM #EmpoweringAndEnlighteningTheYOUTH
"Give BACK." "iNVEST IN YOUR community"
(D -ANCHOR Point) #SelfCareAndLOVE Music Moves, uplifts and iNSPiRES the SOUL. It is the #RythemOfLiFE
(D -ANCHOR Point) #SelfWORTHAndLOVE Everyone can be Happy. it's all about the Journey. #SeekAndYouShallFiND #PERSEVERE
(A -ANCHOR Point) #LightWORKER #CosmicBEiNG #LEGEND #HUMANiTARiAN #InovatirAndPiONEER #TrueHERO #BruceLEE4EVER We all have #RoleModels and Someone to #LookUpTOO to #iNSPIREUs.
(A -ANCHOR Point) #CommunityLOVE Take #Pride in #YourCiTY.
(A -ANCHOR Point) #Guidance #Travel #Transportatiin #SeeTheWORLD We all need #EfficientWAYS to #GetAROUND.
The WORKS!!* |
![]() ![]() ~My LW Tool 4-HUMANiTY~
#UndisputedTRUTH #AbsoluteTruth *"LiFE is what You Make it!" "RULES are Meant to be BROKEN!" *"Your Team is only as STRONG as Your #WeakestLiNK." *A Great Leader solves problems and focus on solutions,instead of raging war. *LiFE is not Complicated, people make things difficult. *We say NO, because we do not u desrtand enough to know the appicable way. *#RealCHANGE starts with an #OpenPERSPECTiVE *iF you KNEW BETTER, You'd Do BETTER!- FACTS!! *You'll UNDERSTAND and #GetiT with CONSiSTENT PRACTiCE and TiME! *"PAiTENCE is A ViRTUE" *It's OK to Walk AWAY, if they aint teady to recieve your #GEMS.;) *You don't have to #BeHUMBLE to #RECOGNiZE. *"You'll Know when You're #READY!" *"TiME waits for NO ONE!" *#DynastyDOES *RULES are created and Set Up as a Precuation to Protect those who don't know what they are doing, theres always #ExceptionsToTheRULE *"WhoIsTheMASTER *"Empty Your CUP"- Bruce LEE *#OwnIT *#StepUP *A #TRUEHero just Does what Needs to be DONE. -aka #UnsungHEROS *You're opinions and Problems, DO NOT DEFiNE ME. Stop #Projecting #YourIssues #FEARSandFAiLURES. *As an #iNOVATOR, I MAKE THE iMPOSSiBLE A Waking,Lively And Fun REALiTY! *DARE to #DreamBiG ALWAYS *There Are No Limits!" - Bruce LEE *"Ask and You Shall RECIEVE." *iT'S not on your time, it's GoDS TimiNG.-Remember THAT ALWAYS.;) *This is the #HonestPATH and *#AnswerToWorldPEACE **SOLVED: Feb26th2025 SUNDAY- HVL / hH
#UniversalTRUTHS is #AbsoluteCLARiTY. Look DEEP into your #HEART & Listen to your #iNNERChild ALWAYS!!